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Every Monday the students will receive a homework packet.  This packet is due on Friday and must be fully completed.  The packet contains activities as well as their spelling list and a place to practice their words nightly.


Spelling and homework packets are due on Friday.  They must be fully completed.  Any additional homework given throughout the week is due the next morning.  I will check that they have this homework each morning and factor that into their grade.  I will also check reading minutes each morning to make sure reading is happening every night.  


I will NOT make multiple copies for missing work. 


Students receive 5 points on Class Dojo for homework that is competed and turned in on time.


Since we are using standards based grading homework will not factor into grades.


Students are expected to read at least 20 minutes a night, at least 6 nights a week.  Please sign their calendar nightly to show that this has been done.  At the end of the month, calendars will be collected.  Students will recieve one point for each night they read.


We are starting the third grade and I expect students to be responsible for their own actions.  It is up to them to do their homework and nightly reading and have you SIGN their planners each night.  You must sign their reading calendars, but they need to be the ones to bring it to you.  Accountability is important to me and your child will be accountable for their choices and the quality of work.


The students will receive a homework packet every Monday.  This packet is due Friday and must be fully completed. Along with spelling it will have math and reading comprehension.


They may also be sent home with a math worksheet.  They are given time in class to work on these, so if they come home with one it's because it was not finished in class.  These are due the following day. 


Students will write on their calendars what their homework is that night.  After they have done their reading and homework please sign their calendar on the corresponding night.


I check planners every morning.  If it's not signed I will circle it.  You can also sign where I circled if you forgot to sign the night before.  Please be honest and only sign if your child read and did their work.  

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