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3rd Grade Rocks!

Resources for learning

I want to thank everyone for trying their best during this crazy, weird time.  I know it can't be easy to navigate this new way of learning, but please use the links below to help when you're unsure how something works. 


The red buttons below are links to youtube videos that may help you understand how to use these tools during the next month.

Things that need to be done weekly.  Due by Friday
1-All Go Math assigned activities
2- All Wonders assigned activities
Google Classroom:
Make sure to FILL each box you complete each day with COLOR, then turn in.  This lets me see what you did that day!
Portal is where you'll find Go math, Wonders, and Lexia
Username: 9#
Password: 123456
Google Classroom is where you'll find the daily lessons.  You will submit daily work, find links to work... etc
Class code: xx4oh5f
Hangouts is where students and parents can chat about questions. Find me at
Students can log in to find books to read or listen to.  
Class code: xti4844
We will use zoom as a class every day at 10:30, join if you can.  We can also do small group, or one-on-one meetings if needed.
This is where we will create assignments.  Biographies will be used in this.  Make sure you share EVERYTHING with me at
This is where you'll find weekly spelling lists.  Click on lists and do activities
Username: 9#
You HAVE to click on the banner at the TOP of the webpage and sign up for a FREE family access.  Create a profile!!! Then it will let you click on my links on my daily Google Classroom assignments.







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